During the Civil war William tecumuseh Sherman was a___

A. Confederate General
B. Union General
C. Union politician
D. Confederate politician


Answer 1


B. Union General


Related Questions

Can someone help me with this one. Is it ABC or D



c or d


A social contract can be defined as
a.A written agreement between two people
b.A verbal agreement between two people
c.A verbal agreement between a government and its citizens
d.A written agreement between a government and its citizens
pls answer fast


B because it’s gay and so am I

Which monarch was originally from the Netherlands?
George I
William III
Mary 11



wiliam III


Why was there a conflict between the USSR and the US?
a) The creation of the League of Nations

b) The permanent US occupation of Germany

c) The USSR wanted to control Germany and Eastern Europe





the ussr wanted control

Which of the following was not a popular way to earn a living in the New England colonies?
1. shipbuilding
2. being a merchant
3. farming
4. fishing





People in New England made money through fishing, whaling, shipbuilding, trading in its port cities and providing naval supplies.People in New England could not make a living from farming because most of the land was not suited to farming due to the hilly terrain and rocky soil.

i believe it is farming because they had coal and hey started to make factories and railroads. which was harmful to the environment and also they were big on trading supplies.




< Qualifications >

- at least 35 years old

- natural-born citizen

- U.S resident for ≥ 14 years

- has served no more than one previous term as President

< Not Qualifications >

- a college graduate

- a Protestant

- wealthy



I believe this is asking about criteria to become the U.S president. To become the President, you must be a natural-born citizen of the U.S, at least 35 years old, a resident for at least 14 years, and someone who has not served more than one previous term as President. It is not required for you to be male, Protestant, or wealthy. There is also not a minimum education to be qualified.

You can see this site as well (remove the space in front of 'https')-

https ://www.yourfreecareertest.com/president-of-the-u-s/

Good luck ^^


How did the 13th amendment affect the Cicil Rights Movement ?


Answer: The 13th Amendment forever abolished slavery as an institution in all U.S. states and territories. In addition to banning slavery, the amendment outlawed the practice of involuntary servitude and peonage. ... The 13th Amendment to the Constitution did not end discrimination against those who had been enslaved and blacks.


What was the first governing document of the newly created United States, later replaced by the U.S. Constitution



Articles of Confederation



the two houses of the virginia legislature are collectively called ?



The Virginia House of Delegates (The Lower house), and an upper house, the Senate of Virginia.



Hello There!!


The answer is that lower house is called the Virginia House of Delegates and and the upper house is called the Senate of Virginia.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


Find an example of the government and market economy increased production of a product, only to have to offset it in the economy.



To aid in production decisions


Belief that people should be loyal mainly to the people with whom they share a culture and history rather than a king or empire

A. Militarism
B. Alliance
C. Nationalism
D. Imperialism


The answer is C Nationalism

A historian is writing an article for a history website. The article is divided into the following
• The division of the South into military districts
• The impeachment of the president
• The ratification of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
Which era in U.S. history is the focus of this article?
O The Antebellum Era
O The Reconstruction Era
O The Jacksonian Era
The Federalist Era



The Reconstruction Era


As the war ended, the Reconstruction era began in America, to correct the politics, economy, and society in the South. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments adopted during the Reconstruction period. Many of the federal troops were posted to main law and order in the Southern states which led to a military district.

After the death of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, Andrew Johnson became the next President of the United States. The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson was the issue of political dispute and the separation of ideas in the outcome of the Civil War. Johnson being a democrat struggled to hold power to the reunification of the country.

would you say that there is freedom of religion in China? And if not, what makes it not "free"? In other words, what do you find most concerning about the Chinese government's treatment of religions/religious people?


Since when was freedom such a thing.


State governments are modeled after the federal government and consist of three branches. List the three branches and describe
the structure of each branch Which branch do you think is the most important?


All state governments are modeled after the federal government and consist of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial.


executive, legislative, and judicial, judicial


Not only does it protect the law and rights given to us as Americans by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but makes sure that all branches of the government are working to do their job, of the people, by the people and for the people of the United States of America.

What were negative things in capitalism that happened in the industrial revolution?


Answer: Although there are several positives to the Industrial Revolution there were also many negative elements, including: poor working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages, child labor, and pollution.

What is the goal of
Propaganda after US enters
the war in 1917?



The main goals of the Propaganda after US enters  the war in 1917 were to increase support for the army troops and achieve victory


The main goals of Propaganda after US enters  the war in 1917 were -

a) Demoralization of Army of enemies

b) Encourage the morale of troops of their own  army

c) Gather support from civilians

d) Increase support of the war

e) Achieve victory

Which Robber Baron would be considered a Venture Capitalist by today’s standards?



Bill Gates

Co-founder of Microsoft Corp.

Founded: 1975

"Ultimately, the PC will be a window to everything people are interested in-and everything we need to know."-Bill Gates

Some see him as an innovative visionary who sparked a computer revolution. Others see him as a modern-day robber baron whose predatory practices have stifled competition in the software industry. Regardless of what his supporters and detractors may think, few can argue that Bill Gates is one of, if not the most successful entrepreneur of the 20th century. In just 25 years, he built a two-man operation into a multibillion-dollar colossus and made himself the richest man in the world. Yet he accomplished this feat not by inventing new technology, but by taking existing technology, adapting it to a specific market, and then dominating that market through innovative promotion and cunning business savvy.

Gates' first exposure to computers came while he was attending the prestigious Lakeside School in Seattle. A local company offered the use of its computer to the school through a Teletype link, and young Gates became entranced by the possibilities of the primitive machine. Along with fellow student Paul Allen, he began ditching class to work in the school's computer room. Their work would soon pay off. When Gates was 16, he and Allen went into business together. The two teens netted $20,000 with Traf-O-Data, a program they developed to measure traffic flow in the Seattle area.

Despite his love and obvious aptitude for computer programming, and perhaps because of his father's influence, Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973. By his own admission, he was there in body but not in spirit, preferring to spend his time playing poker and video games rather than attending class.

What kept measures of strict segregation from appearing in the Oklahoma Constitution? (Site 3)


Ferguson, wherein the Court established the "separate but equal" doctrine. The decision gave the "green light" to those whites who wanted legally to segregate blacks. Consequently, the 1897 Oklahoma Territorial Legislature banned the practice of racial mixing in the schools.

"Part 1"You are a professor who is teaching a class on the policy of containment during the Cold War. To perpare for your class, outline your lecture using the chapter and the information you gathered in the online activity The Cold War Begins. Your outline should contain explanations on how each topic or event ( such as the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, and Korean War) reflected or did not reflect the U.S. policy of containmeny. You will use your outline as the basis for an article you will write as Part 2 of this assignment. ( Part 2) - > Choose one topic in your outline ------ the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift, or the Korean War - and decide whether or not the events related to that topic reflected or did not reflect the U.S. policy of containment. ( Look at the picture for the rest of the instructions for " Part 2" ) Only answer if you can actually truly help and if your completely honest with your answer you will get Brainliest. ​



The unwillingness of the Soviet Union to allow the creation of independent and democratic states in Eastern Europe, and the failure of East and West to reach a compromise on Germany, left many Americans—citizens and foreign policy experts alike—puzzled. Why were the Soviets acting as they did? Moreover, how should the United States respond? For most in the Truman administration, the proper policy was "containment"—in other words, Soviet aggression had to be met with firmness, otherwise the Russians would be emboldened to attempt further hostile acts.

This lesson will consider containment through the use of original documents--mostly from the Truman Presidential Library--and an interactive map. They will study what it meant in theory, and then examine the first two major instances of its application—the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.


Part 1 :

Truman Doctrine.

The Truman Doctrine was a law proposed by President Harry Truman in 1947. This law took on the action of supporting the countries of Greece and Turkey. The United States of America had a deep concern about these two countries falling under the control of the Soviet Union and their ways of communism. To make certain that just that didn’t happen, the United States gave four hundred million towards economic aid, stabilizing each country's economy. This event reflected the perfect example of the U.S. policy of containment as it gracefully supported these free peoples of Greece and Turkey and their economies, keeping them safer against the threat of communism.

Marshall Plan.

After World War II, great cities were laid in pieces while more than a million survivors of the homeless suffered from malnutrition or disease. The people were desperate and broke down to poverty as ruined Europe became the perfect ground for the spread of communism. While urging to prevent this, Truman’s secretary of state, George C. Marshall proposed the European Recovery Program, which soon became known as the Marshall Plan. This plan provided thirteen million dollars worth of American aid to help Europe back to prosperity. The Marshall Plan was overall an extremely generous act that helped bring out a beautiful economic recovery in southern and western Europe. This reflected the policy of containment humbly, as America took a stance to support the peoples of Europe and decline the chances of them embracing communism.

Berlin Airlift.

By the end of World War II, Soviets occupied the eastern half of Germany while Britain, France, and the United States took over in the western portion. As Germany lay divided, so did it’s capital city, Berlin. In June of 1948 Stalin ordered a blockade of West Berlin, cutting off access to the other half of the city. In high hopes to bring the entire city of Berlin under the control of the Soviet Union, Stalin left the people of western Berlin without supplies and to soon face starvation. In response to this, the British and the United States came up with two point three million tons of supplies and food to airlift straight to Berlin, since ground and rail road transportation routes had been blocked. More than two hundred and seventy-seven thousand flights touched down in West Berlin and in return seventy-three allied airmen lost their lives due to flying conditions. The Berlin Airlift was more than a humanitarian act, but a great sacrifice that reflected the policy of containment elegantly. Airmen after airmen delivered supplies in support and in value of West Berlin's people, overcoming another attempted communist uprising.

Korean War.

Like Europe, Korea was also divided in two after the war. North Korea being communist and South Korea being noncommunist or capitalist. Stalin prepared money, pilots, and planes in an attempt to force South Korea under communism. In June of the year 1950, North Korean troops seized Seoul, the South Korea capital. It was not the United States but the United Nations that officially went into a hot war with North Korea, although the soldiers were mostly Americans in Korea as UN troops. Although both sides faced casualties, South Korea remained a capitalist country and the U.S. policy of containment was reflected proudly as the spread of communism ceased.


Part 2 : I chose the Truman Doctrine.

    The event of the Truman Doctrine can be viewed as a solid reflection of the U.S. policy of containment.

After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union became the world’s two dominant superpowers. Tangling up in a race to influence economic strength rapidly became a tense forty year standoff, known as the Cold War. Stalin, the Soviet dictator, forced his own censorship with the goal of pushing out western ideas. By 1946, the Soviets were refusing to allow most Western goods within borders under the USSR’s control.

Harry Truman, the president of the United States, adopted a policy known as containment. The goal of containment was to prevent the furthering spread of communism. Noncommunist countries bordering the Soviet Union were allied and strengthened, attempting to smother communitst ideas. Early in the year of 1947, it became vivid that the Soviets had been preparing to support communist uprisings in Turkey and Greece. In response, Truman sent four hundred million dollars worth of aid towards helping the economies of both countries.

He proclaimed “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”

This became known as the Truman Doctrine. It was this aid that stabilized the economies of Turkey and Greece and reduced their chances of falling over into communist rule by the force of the Soviet Union. Thus putting a cease to the spread of communism and reflecting the U.S. policy of containment elegantly.

1. What was the primary goal of conservatives in the concen of Europe?


Congress of Vienna
The conservatives' goal at the meeting, led by Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria, was said to be to re-establish peace in Europe. Metternich and the other four states sought to do so by restoring the old ruling families and to create buffer zones between the major powers.

The term "principal to a crime":
A.) Applies to both felonies and misdemeanors
B.) Includes accessories
C.) Applies to felonies only
D.) Applies to misdemeanors only




[tex]\color{Blue}\huge\boxed{Question} [/tex]

The term "principal to a crime":

[tex]\color{Blue}\huge\boxed{Answer} [/tex]

C.Applies to felonies only

HELPPPPPPPPPPPP (i will give 35 points)
This organization is the largest humanitarian network in the world with a presence and activities in almost
every country. The organization has one central purpose: to help those who suffer, without
discrimination, whether during conflict, in response to natural or man-made disasters, or due to conditions
of chronic poverty.

Which organization is described in this paragraph?
A. United Nations (UN)
B. European Union (EU)
C. International Red Cross/Red Crescent
D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)


Answer: C


Or maybe not bebes need the ponits

How did nationalism contribute to global conflicts following World War 1 ?


Ans: Nationalism lead people to conflict. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated due nationalism by the Black Hand, a nationalist group that intended to liberate the Serbs from the Austro-Hungarian occupation. The death of Franz Ferdinand was one of the most important factos to cause the World War I.

Please write a paragraph about how Martin Luther King Jr inspired others

Please include a topic sentence three details and a conclusion/transition in the paragraph




He inspired people around the world with a message of peaceful resistance and racial equality. He also helped people to have the courage to do what they wanted. He wrote the famous speech, “I HAVE A DREAM,” which he said in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Who did MLK inspire? Mahatma Gandhi inspired people all over the world, including one of the United States' most famous civil rights leaders, Martin Luther King Jr. Though the two men never got a chance to meet (King was 19 when Gandhi was assassinated), King learned about Gandhi through his writing and a trip to India in 1959.

Which of the following statements correctly describes all three rivers on this
A. They prevented the development of agriculture because of
frequent floods.
B. They became centers for the growth of ancient or modern cities.
C. They took on a distinctive color because of the silt from the
D. They isolated ancient civilizations from one another.


it is b because if youlook and tink at it you think it is



String Central Government

Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog


a strong central government


Which conclusion about the experience of farmers affected by the Dust Bowl is best supported by the passage from The
Grapes of Wrath?
A Though many Great Plains farmers hoped to travel to western states, few were able to afford the journey's costs.
B The economic opportunities farmers found in western states were not significantly better than those in the Great Plains.
Great Plains farmers who relocated to western states were able to organize in order to better negotiate their wages.
Farmers who relocated from the Great Plains to western states were able to survive on lower wages because the cost of
living was lower


Ais the answer thats it?

20. What message did Machiavelli give in his book, The Prince ?

A Rulers of the Italian city-states should be kind and take care of their people

BRulers of the Italian city-states should give people money to keep them happy

C Rulers of the Italian city-states should do whatever it takes to maintain control and

D None of the above


i’m pretty sure it’s C

What was one goal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition? O A. To learn about the wildlife of the Louisiana Territory B. To search for gold in the Louisiana Territory O C. To show that the route to the West was not dangerous D. To report on conflicts among American Indians in the West​


Answer: A. To learn about the wildlife of the Louisiana Territory


The Lewis and Clark expedition was as much a scientific one as it was political.

The American government, which had just purchased the area known as Louisiana at the time, wanted to know exactly what they had purchased, including the animals and plants found there.

In total, it is estimated that the expedition found 178 plant species and 122 animal species that the Americans did not know existed or had limited knowledge of.




What organization did Marcus Garvey found?
C. Tuskegee Institute
D. Ku Klux Klan

the answer is A. UNIA ​


I have got the right answer

and it is a

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