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I Need Help ASAP Please Dont Put Any Links Thank You!


Answer 1


1 . Industrialization made large-scale production smoother and more cost effective, which made mass-produced goods more available


Upper strata= wealthy make greater profits  =  greater opportunities for profitable investments= growth of wealth


Related Questions

How did the Nazis inflict suffering on people in German-occupied Europe ?



They forced Jews to live in walled-off ghettos, where thousands died of disease and starvation. They killed homosexuals, disabled people, Gypsies, and other people they considered subhuman.

What is the main idea of the text, " Preventing Labor Discrimination During World Wa 2, 1942"?



In early 1942, as men of working age enlisted in the military and war production accelerated, US industries experienced a labor shortage. President Roosevelt established the War Manpower Commission "to assure the most effective mobilization and maximum utilization of the Nation’s manpower in the prosecution of the war" (Executive Order 9139). The commission estimated that nearly seven million new workers would be needed in 1942. General Frank McSherry, director of operations for the WMC, declared that


C is the wrong one!! I'd really appreciate it if you would help me:D​


I would actually say D.

With the industrial revolution, the amount of crops being produced actually wasn’t having too much work being put into producing those said crops. So it would actually encourage more people to become farmers because less work for more money is definitely something that most people would want to go for.

I hope this helps, have a great rest of your day!

Do you think any of the philosophers or the religious leaders were abolitionists or advocated for the end of enslavement?



Black and white abolitionists in the first half of the nineteenth century waged a biracial assault against slavery. Their efforts proved to be extremely effective. Abolitionists focused attention on slavery and made it difficult to ignore. They heightened the rift that had threatened to destroy the unity of the nation even as early as the Constitutional Convention.

Although some Quakers were slaveholders, members of that religious group were among the earliest to protest the African slave trade, the perpetual bondage of its captives, and the practice of separating enslaved family members by sale to different masters.

As the nineteenth century progressed, many abolitionists united to form numerous antislavery societies. These groups sent petitions with thousands of signatures to Congress, held abolition meetings and conferences, boycotted products made with slave labor, printed mountains of literature, and gave innumerable speeches for their cause. Individual abolitionists sometimes advocated violent means for bringing slavery to an end.

Although black and white abolitionists often worked together, by the 1840s they differed in philosophy and method. While many white abolitionists focused only on slavery, black Americans tended to couple anti-slavery activities with demands for racial equality and justice.


At first, why didn’t the Senate allow the law of emancipation (of slaves) a thing?



THey did not have Commander-in-Chief authority over the four slave-holding states that were not in rebellion: Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware, and so those states were not named in the Proclamation


Tommy lives in Japan and wants to move to the United States. What is the first step to living here?



You have to take a visa first.


Getting a visa


How did Stalin's goals for postwar Germany differ from that of Churchill and

a. Stalin wanted a strong, yet divided Germany while the others wanted a weak, yet independent Germany

b. Stalin wanted a weak and divided Germany while the others wanted a strong and independent Germany

c. Stalin wanted independence for all Eastern Europe while the others wanted a weakened Germany

d. Stalin wanted independence for all Western Europe while others wanted independence for Eastern Germany



. Stalin wanted a strong, yet divided Germany while the others wanted a weak, yet independent Germany





How did the Depression of 1873 change political power in the United States?


American inflation, rampant speculative investments (overwhelmingly in railroads), the demonetization of silver in Germany and the United States, ripples from economic dislocation in Europe resulting from the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871), and major property losses in the Great Chicago Fire (1871)

If a country or group of people do something to another country or group of people, does it affect the rest of the world?
Did what King Leopold II do in the Congo affect the US?
Does what the U.S. do to another country effect any other countries if it's not being directly effected by them? (Example: The U.S., Mexican Boarder. Would this effect another country that is not U.S. or Mexico?)
Why should one care or not if it is not affecting them?
From your group project, you learned about things that happen in the Mid 1800 through the early 1900's. Do those things effect you personally in 2021?
Why should or shouldn't we learn about this events?
Do people have a moral obligation to bring problems to light especially if they don't feel connected to them personally?
Did everyone that knew what was happening in the Congo, have a responsibility to say something?
What if they benefited off the system?
Do you have a responsibility to say something if the following happened?
You see a couple arguing and one hits the other one.
You see someone tagging the bathroom walls at school.
You know someone lies to get out of trouble and the lie puts someone else in trouble.
A street vendor gets bullied or harassed.
Your best friend is cheating on their partner.
Someone is getting harassed for their religious or faith beliefs even though you don't agree with those beliefs yourself.
Someone is getting bullied for the way they identify even though you don't agree with the way they identify.



In the long-run, large amounts of immigration will weaken the home country by decreasing the population, the level of production, and economic spending. If a country is losing citizens due to economic reasons, the situation will not improve until economic changes are made.

Do you think everyone should be required to attend school? Why or why not?




I think everyone should be required to attend school so we can gain the skills , the knowledge and the education needed to live successfully.  When we attend school it teaches us the social skills we will need in our future lives and careers. School teaches us how to cooperate and get along with others. it also teaches us how to manage our time effectively. Without school we wouldn't have the tools, the knowledge ,and the basis to know what to do when we get out into the real world.

Hope this helped!!!!

Everyone is required to attend the school because it builds the persons cognitive thinking and moral values about the society.

What is Education?

Education refers to the process in which a person acquires the knowledge and the skills which ultimately results in the development of the individual thinking.

Everyone individual has the right to attend the school to acquire the education and government had also made the compulsory to acquire the education for the children up to 14 years of age.

The child going to school adopts the required skills as well as develops the social skills. Therefore, it helps in the overall  development of the child.

Learn more about Education here:



Question 9 of 11
How did paper money affect Chinese trade during the postclassical era?
A. It helped Chinese merchants borrow money from wealthy
European countries.
B. It reduced the value of products sold by Chinese merchants.
C. It made it harder for Chinese merchants to set prices for luxury
D. It made it easier for Chinese merchants to buy and sell lots of



Paper money made it easier for Chinese traders to buy and sell goods.


Do you mind telling me the answer I need help :(


How can I get back focus on school


dont have anything around you that can distract you from what you are currently doing. focus on one thing at a time

Hi there!

I can understand how school can be very difficult this year for all of us including me, here are some things that helped me!

1. Keep a routine.

Keep a schedule. Wake up in the morning, take a shower, eat some breakfast, head to class.

2. Have a desk.

Sitting in your bed all day may be comfy but is not going to make you very productive.

3. Turn some lights on.

Listen I love the dark and find it relaxing but all its going to do is make you sleepy. Try opening your blinds for some natural lighting.

4. Have a nice enviorment.

Nobody likes to be in a dirty area. Try to keep your room clean and maybe add some decorations! Plants add a nice natural touch!

I hope this helps! Good luck :)

I gotta take a massive poop but I'm at school, what should I do?



just do it nike- ( ignore this it asked for 20 characters)

i been stuck for 4 hours please help

How did the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles differ from the intentions of
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?
O A. It failed to set guidelines for reparation payments from the Central
O B. It claimed Germany alone was responsible for WWI rather than
treating all nations equally.
O C. It resulted in new national boundaries that did not favor the United
OD. It allowed the war to come to an end without an official surrender.



B is the best answer option


The treaty of versaille did solely blame Germnay as the cause of the war. Germany was responsible for most of the war debt . The treaty also reduced the land mass of Germany

Woodrow wilson 14 points desired to teinstate the previous international boundaries in Europe and prevent a future great war.

i still wouldnt say either the treaty or 14 points treated the nations equally.

How did the Chinese regard the Europeans who arrived to trade with them?

its a journal activity on edge nuity. thanks :)


Answer:  They regarded the Europeans as foreign devils or pirates with whom they did not need to do business. Which countries succeeded in trading with Japan?


please help me

Reflection Questions:
1. what is the importance of ancestors in Chinese?
2. which ancient Chinese beliefs do you agree with most? why?



As a result, Chinese religion is based on the veneration of ancestors. Ancestors are thought to be a link to Tian's supreme power because they are thought to be embodiments or reproducers of Heaven's creative order.

read the excerpt from the story Animals in the Zoo.

"That was really awesome, Mom," Ryan said when the tour was over. "It was so cool to see all the animals, and the biking made it easier to get from one exhibit to the next. I can't believe we saw the entire zoo that quickly."

It was time for Ryan's mom to examine the tamarins, so they headed to the Primate Discovery Center. They walked into the veterinarian's room so that his mother could examine the tamarins. The public wasn't allowed to see them until Ryan's mother had looked them over and made sure they were healthy. The room was white, very sterile, and looked like an operating room that you would see on TV. Ryan's eyes widened and a look of uneasiness crossed his face. He was scared, and his mother noticed right away.

"Don't worry, we won't be operating on the tamarins today. We are just checking their health and looking at their eyes, ears, and hands during this visit. We want to make sure they are healthy enough to be put into their enclosure," she said. Just then, a zoo employee brought in the two tamarins, and Ryan immediately understood why they were called cotton-top tamarins. They had white tufts of hair on top of their heads. The zoo employee told Ryan and his mom that these two tamarins were the first of many to come to the zoo. If these two stayed healthy and appeared to be happy in their enclosure, the zoo would be able to get even more tamarins to fill the exhibit which is why they wanted to make sure they had an expert come in to examine them.

It took Ryan's mother 30 minutes to check each tamarin. He held his breath the whole time, worried that she might find something wrong. She wanted to make sure they both had thorough examinations. Finally, after an hour, she gave them both the all-clear, and Ryan finally exhaled.

One of the tamarins was looking right at Ryan and had her arms stretched out. Ryan looked at his mom with his eyebrows raised as if asking a question. She nodded at him, so he reached out and picked her up from the examination table. The tamarin licked the end of his nose, and Ryan laughed. He definitely would be back to visit the tamarins as soon as he could.

Read the excerpt from the story Winter Driving.

As he came around a bend in the road, he could feel his tires slip and slide on the ice. But the ice wasn't his only problem. His eyes grew wide when he saw a small hill straight ahead. He scrunched his eyebrows as he concentrated on staying on the road. He worried for a minute since he was driving slowly and the ice on the road might prevent him from making it up the hill.

He drove slowly until he got to the base of the hill. He started making his way up, but it wasn't long before his tires started to spin on the ice. He continued, slow and steady, squeezing the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

Eventually, Jesper made it to the top of the hill. Phew, he thought. He pulled over so that he could release the steering wheel from his tight grasp. He squeezed his hands into fists a few times to get the blood flowing through his fingers once again. He took a few breaths and continued driving. The snow was still falling, and he knew he definitely didn't want to get stuck sleeping in his car. He had come this far, and he was determined to make it all the way home.

When he reached his driveway, a huge smile spread across his face, and his shoulders finally relaxed. He hadn't realized that his body had been so tense during the entire drive. He put the car in park and turned off the engine with a huge sigh. He was glad to be able to visit with old friends, but the drive home was not enjoyable at all. Next time, he would be sure to check the forecast ahead of time and leave before the weather got bad.

In these stories, the main characters become fearful. Which of the following statements best describes the similarities in how the characters demonstrate their fear?

They ask numerous questions.
They use facial expressions.
They get out of the situation.
They ask for help from others.



They ask numerous questions.




because in when the first story when they were finished ryan exhaled

How did sharecroppers pay landowners for the land they rented?

Sharecroppers rented their land to others.

Sharecroppers paid with a large share of their crops.

Landowners did not require payment.

Sharecroppers sold their tools in order to pay rent.



The payment to the owner was in the form of a share in the product, or in cash, or in a combination of both.





Triangle JKL undergoes a dilation centered at the origin. The result is triangle JKL'. Which rule describes the dilation? A) (x, y) → (2x, 2y) B) (x, y) → (4x, 4y) C) (x, y) → ( 1 4 x, 1 4 y) D) (x, y) → (− 1 2 x, − 1 2 y)



1st answer is wrong


The rule that describes the dilation is (x, y) → ( 1/4 x, 1/4 y). Then the correct option is C.

What is dilation?

Dilation means the changing of the size of the object without changing the shape. The size of the object may be increased or decreased based on the scale factor.

Triangle JKL undergoes a dilation centered at the origin.

The result is triangle J'K'L'.

The points J(0, 4), K(8, 4), and L(4, -4). And the points J'(0, 1), K'(2, 1), and L'(1, -1)

Then the scale factor will be given as

[tex]\rm Scale \ factor = \dfrac{J'(0, 1)}{J(0, 4)} = \dfrac{1}{4}\\\\\\Scale \ factor = \dfrac{K'(2, 1)}{K(8, 4)} = \dfrac{1}{4}\\\\\\Scale \ factor = \dfrac{L'(1,-1)}{L(4, -4)} = \dfrac{1}{4}[/tex]

Then the scale factor is 1/4.

More about the dilation link is given below.


In the 20th century, one of the major economic problems in Spain and
Portugal was:
A. extremely low tax rates on corporations.
B. a dependence on overseas colonies to generate wealth.
O c. a lack of natural resources for development.
D. a refusal to trade with the European Union.


The answer is that of D.




Explain what is meant by a change from agricultural to industrial economy.


agricultural economies, ie the ussr, transitioned into full on industrialieconomies through 5 year plans, started with lenin, increasing output of raw materiels like steel and coal.  

1. Why were the Andes Mountains a difficult place for people to live?
Someone please help me !!


shortage if oxygen because if the altitude

Which was the first state to come into statehood?


Answer: Delaware


Delaware was the first state

Why do you think only 10% off the bills
introduced in Congress become a law?



A bill can be introduced in either chamber of Congress by a senator or representative who sponsors it. ... The president can approve the bill and sign it into law or not approve (veto) a bill. If the president chooses to veto a bill, in most cases Congress can vote to override that veto and the bill becomes a law.


Speaker 1: A state has the right to overrule an act passed by Congress. After all, the
national government is supposed to share power with the states.
Speaker 2: I believe that you are wrong. The states do share power with the national
government, but the Constitution says the national government has
These speakers are debating an issue that eventually became known as the -
A Monroe Doctrine
B Nullification Crisis
C Missouri Compromise
D Three-Fifths Compromise





The Nullification crisis was a debate in 1832, over the south declaring tariffs from the north, unconstitutional. Both sides had a different viewpoint on state's rights towards the debate, causing the debate in the first place.

What is a major barrier to travel on Central Africa's main rivers


The answer is the Congo River.

What truths about God, life, and people are those stories (Genesis 1-3) trying to convey? What were the main points of the stories in those chapters?​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The truths about God, life, and people that those stories (Genesis 1-3) trying to convey were the power of the almighty God that created everything, including life on planet Earth, including humans. And on the 7th day, he rested. Then, Genesis explains the human's sin and how men and women were banished from the Garden of Eden or Paradise.

What were the main points of the stories in those chapters?​

The main point of chapter 1 is the story of how God created the heavens, planest, the Earth, and everything that exists. The main point of chapter 2 is how God created man first, and then, from a man's rib, God created a woman. The main point of chapter 3 is how God banished man and woman for the sin they committed in the Garden of Eden.

Of course, the stories reflected on the Bible -in this case, the Old Testament- are metaphors aimed for the reader to have a better comprehension of the symbolistic idea of the beginning or the creation story.

What historical event led to the rise of absolute monarchs?


Ans: Economic growth from trade and colonization in the Americas allowed monarchs to strengthen their military power. Some European countries, such as Spain and France, created absolute monarchies and embraced the idea of divine right, which claimed monarchs' authority to rule came straight from God.

Which reform movement do you think was the most important? WHY


To reform something is to change it for the better. These movements were caused in part by the Second Great Awakening, a renewal of religious faith in the early 1800s. Groups tried to reform many parts of American society, but the two most important were the abolitionist movement and the women's rights movement.

Why was lapis lazuli used only in the most
important artwork?






because it can enchant any tools you have  


but for real

Ground lapis lazuli was increasingly used by painters during the 13th and 14th centuries to make ultramarine and Cennino Cennini gives instructions on how to prepare this pigment in his “Book of Arts.” But it was not until the second half of the 16th century that large objects carved from lapis began to appear in Italy.

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