le corbusier was an architect whose career was controversial because...


Answer 1

Le Corbusier was an architect whose career was controversial because of his polemical views and approaches to urban design, architecture, and social engineering.

He was critical of conventional design styles and called for a new, functional approach that would reflect the needs and aspirations of the modern industrial era.

What were Le Corbusier's polemical views?

Le Corbusier's polemical views in the field of architecture and urban planning included the following:

Architecture should be a product of industry and technology and should be modern, functional, and affordable for everyone.

The human body, rather than historical precedents or style, should be the basis for architectural design. He claimed that houses are machines for living in, which should be designed to improve the quality of life of their occupants.

Land should be reserved for public use, and buildings should be elevated to allow for open spaces underneath.

Urban design should be characterized by open green spaces, arterial roads, and tall modern buildings, as opposed to the cramped, dirty, and disease-ridden streets of slums or historic city centers. He advocated the creation of "towers in the park" or "parking lot city" designs for cities.

He was a firm supporter of authoritarian regimes, including fascist regimes in Italy and Spain. His advocacy for the use of concrete, which he referred to as "beton brut," became a symbol of the postwar rebuilding and expansion of European cities.

However, his work has been criticized for its lack of human-scale proportions, functionalist aesthetics, and indifference to historical context.

Learn more about Le Corbusier here:



Related Questions

why does a replication fork have a leading and lagging strand?


A replication fork is the place where DNA replication begins and is formed at the origin of replication.

It is composed of two complementary strands of DNA which unwind to replicate. One of the strands is referred to as the leading strand, while the other is called the lagging strand. The leading strand is continuously replicated in the same direction as the helicase enzyme, while the lagging strand is copied in short segments known as Okazaki fragments in the opposite direction.

The reason why there needs to be a leading and lagging strand is because DNA polymerase, which is needed for DNA replication, can only work in the 5' to 3' direction. Thus, the leading strand is read in the 5' to 3' direction and the lagging strand is read in a 3' to 5' direction. This allows for accurate and efficient synthesis of both strands of DNA at the replication fork.

To know more about replication fork, click here:



a type of anxiety disorder in which people constantly about many different activities and events is called


The type of anxiety disorder in which people constantly worry about many different activities and events is called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent and excessive worry or anxiety about various aspects of life, such as work, health, family, or everyday situations. Individuals with GAD often find it challenging to control their worries, and their anxiety may interfere with daily functioning and overall well-being.

People with GAD may experience physical symptoms such as restlessness, fatigue, muscle tension, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances. The worrying typically extends beyond what is considered normal and is often disproportionate to the actual circumstances.

It's important to note that a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder requires assessment and evaluation by a mental health professional. Treatment options for GAD may include therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medications, or a combination of both.

To learn more about GAD, click here:



Which of the following is not one of the three separate branches of the national government?
Group of answer choices


Ministry is not one of the three separate branches of the national government.

The three separate branches of the national government are the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. These branches represent different functions and powers within a government system. The legislative branch is responsible for making laws and consists of a representative body, such as a parliament or congress.

The executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws, headed by the head of state or government, such as a president or prime minister. The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting laws and ensuring their constitutionality, through courts and judges. However, a ministry refers to a specific department or division within the executive branch that handles specific policy areas or functions, such as the Ministry of Finance or Ministry of Health, and is not considered a separate branch of government.

To learn more about National government : brainly.com/question/32352775


what opeartions will acquire memory from heap? select all that apply.


Operations that will acquire memory from heap are the following: `new`, `delete`, `malloc`, and `calloc`.

When executing in a computer system, every program needs memory. The compiler will allocate space for variables declared inside a function on the stack and release it after the function returns. However, data that must exist beyond the function's lifetime must be stored in heap memory, which has to be explicitly allocated by the user using specific operations. Operations that will acquire memory from heap are: New Delete Malloc Calloc In general, all of the operations listed above are capable of obtaining memory from the heap. It is the programmer's responsibility to free the memory previously allocated to the heap so that it can be used again.

To know more about memory visit:



the nonprofit corporation currently overseeing the global internet is called the


The nonprofit corporation currently overseeing the global internet is called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization that was established on September 18, 1998, in California, USA. It is responsible for managing and coordinating the Domain Name System (DNS) and Internet Protocol (IP) address space worldwide.

Additionally, ICANN ensures that each domain name and IP address is unique and identifies specific computers or devices on the internet.

ICANN is responsible for ensuring the security and stability of the internet by implementing policies and procedures that are inclusive, transparent, and accountable. It works with governments, businesses, and other stakeholders to ensure that the internet remains a global public resource that is accessible to all.

To know more about ICANN, visit https://brainly.com/question/14161903


typically, voter turnout for elections is highest when those elections are held in:____


The 2020 election had the highest voter turnout in U.S. history with more than 159 million votes cast.

Typically, voter turnout for elections is highest when those elections are held in presidential elections. During the presidential elections, the voter turnout is generally higher than other elections. During the last election, for instance, around 66 percent of those eligible to vote cast their ballots.The general voter turnout depends on several factors, including the type of election, time of day, weather, location, and more. In the United States, the presidential election turnout is typically higher than other elections. The 2020 election had the highest voter turnout in U.S. history with more than 159 million votes cast.

To know more about votes cast visit:



a culture that values straightforward, direct talk can be described as


A culture that values straightforward, direct talk can be described as having a high-context communication style. Communication styles can be categorized into high-context and low-context cultures. In a high-context culture, much of the meaning is conveyed through non-verbal cues, shared understandings, and contextual information.

Directness in communication is often minimized, and messages may be conveyed indirectly or subtly, relying heavily on the context and the relationship between the individuals involved. This is common in many Eastern and collectivist cultures.

Conversely, in a low-context culture, communication tends to be more explicit, direct, and reliant on the actual words spoken rather than on implicit meanings or non-verbal cues. Clarity and transparency in communication are highly valued, and individuals are encouraged to express their thoughts and opinions directly. Many Western cultures, particularly individualistic ones, exhibit a low-context communication style.

While it is important to note that cultural communication styles can vary within societies and individuals, a culture that values straightforward, direct talk is typically associated with a low-context communication style. Openness, assertiveness, and a focus on clarity are often emphasized, facilitating direct communication and minimizing ambiguity.

To know more about non-verbal cues,



write code which creates a struct type called studentdata to represent the registration data of each student in our class


To create a struct type called studentdata to represent the registration data of each student in the class, the code below can be used.```

struct studentdata {
   char name[50];
   int age;
   char gender;
   float gpa;

int main() {
   struct studentdata student1, student2, student3;

   // Student 1 registration data
   printf("Enter the name of Student 1: ");
   scanf("%s", student1.name);
   printf("Enter the age of Student 1: ");
   scanf("%d", &student1.age);
   printf("Enter the gender of Student 1 (M/F): ");
   scanf(" %c", &student1.gender);
   printf("Enter the GPA of Student 1: ");
   scanf("%f", &student1.gpa);

   // Student 2 registration data
   printf("Enter the name of Student 2: ");
   scanf("%s", student2.name);
   printf("Enter the age of Student 2: ");
   scanf("%d", &student2.age);
   printf("Enter the gender of Student 2 (M/F): ");
   scanf(" %c", &student2.gender);
   printf("Enter the GPA of Student 2: ");
   scanf("%f", &student2.gpa);

   // Student 3 registration data
   printf("Enter the name of Student 3: ");
   scanf("%s", student3.name);
   printf("Enter the age of Student 3: ");
   scanf("%d", &student3.age);
   printf("Enter the gender of Student 3 (M/F): ");
   scanf(" %c", &student3.gender);
   printf("Enter the GPA of Student 3: ");
   scanf("%f", &student3.gpa);

   // Printing the student registration data
   printf("Student 1:\n");
   printf("Name: %s\n", student1.name);
   printf("Age: %d\n", student1.age);
   printf("Gender: %c\n", student1.gender);
   printf("GPA: %.2f\n", student1.gpa);

   printf("Student 2:\n");
   printf("Name: %s\n", student2.name);
   printf("Age: %d\n", student2.age);
   printf("Gender: %c\n", student2.gender);
   printf("GPA: %.2f\n", student2.gpa);

   printf("Student 3:\n");
   printf("Name: %s\n", student3.name);
   printf("Age: %d\n", student3.age);
   printf("Gender: %c\n", student3.gender);
   printf("GPA: %.2f\n", student3.gpa);

   return 0;
}```The struct type called studentdata has been defined with four fields, including name, age, gender, and gpa. The code will prompt the user to input the registration data of each of the three students in the class, and then print out the data entered for each student. The studentdata struct can be used to store and manipulate the registration data of each student in the class. The code is well-structured and easy to understand.

To know more about registration data visit:

the distinction between price confusion problems and menu costs is that


The difference between price confusion problems and menu costs is that price confusion problems arise when customers are uncertain about the prices of goods and services, whereas menu costs are the costs associated with changing the prices of goods and services.

Price confusion problems refer to situations in which customers are unsure of the price of goods and services. This uncertainty may arise from a variety of factors, such as complex pricing structures, unclear labeling, or hidden fees. Price confusion can lead to lost sales, reduced customer satisfaction, and negative word-of-mouth reviews.Menu costs, on the other hand, are the costs incurred by businesses when they change the prices of their goods and services. These costs may include the cost of updating price tags or menus, retraining staff, and adjusting marketing materials. Menu costs can be a significant barrier to price adjustment, as businesses may be reluctant to change their prices due to the associated costs.

learn more about price confusion & menu costs difference here;



the three essential characteristics of valid consideration are


The three essential characteristics of valid consideration are legality, mutuality, and sufficiency.


The consideration must be legal and not involve any illegal activities or go against public policy. It should not involve actions that are prohibited by law or involve unlawful or immoral acts. For a contract to be enforceable, the consideration must be lawful.


There must be mutual assent or agreement between the parties involved in the contract. Both parties must provide consideration, meaning each party gives something of value or agrees to do something in exchange for the other party's promise or action. There must be a "bargained-for exchange" where each party receives something of value.


The consideration must have sufficient value or legal significance. It should be something of value in the eyes of the law, even if it does not have to be of substantial value. It can be in the form of money, goods, services, promises, or refraining from doing something that one has the right to do. The consideration should be sufficient to support a contractual agreement.

These three characteristics ensure that consideration in a contract is valid, fair, and legally enforceable. They help establish the exchange of benefits and obligations between the parties, forming the basis of a binding agreement.

To know more about valid consideration



the fair labor standards act requires that, for non-exempt employees, the overtime hourly pay rate be at least what percentage of the regular hourly pay rate?\


The overtime hourly pay rate for non-exempt employees is required to be at least 150% of the regular hourly pay rate, according to the FLSA.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the federal law that governs the payment of minimum wage and overtime to employees. Non-exempt employees are those who are eligible for overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours per week.
This means that if an employee is paid $10 per hour for regular hours worked, their overtime hourly pay rate would be at least $15 per hour. This ensures that employees are compensated fairly for the extra hours they work beyond their regular schedule.
The FLSA also sets the minimum wage rate, which is currently $7.25 per hour. This applies to all non-exempt employees, regardless of their age, gender, or other factors. However, some states and cities have set their own minimum wage rates, which may be higher than the federal minimum.
In addition to setting the minimum wage and overtime pay rate, the FLSA also regulates child labor and other employment practices. Employers must comply with all provisions of the FLSA to avoid penalties and legal action.

To know more about Fair Labor Standards Act visit:

what bits of the instruction will be going into each of the register


The Destination Register, which in this case is r1, will receive the loaded value of x8000.

In computer architecture, register is a device which is used to quickly store and access data. Registers store data, instruction, memory addresses, or other types of data. Registers are located in the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer. Different instructions will have different bits which will go into different registers. Let’s take an example of a typical instruction in computer architecture and determine which bits will go to each register. LOAD r1, #x8000This instruction will load the value x8000 into register r1. Here’s a break-down of which bits go into which register: Instruction: LOAD Operation Code: bits 15 – 12Operands: bits 11 – 0Destination Register: r1The Operation Code, bits 15 – 12, will not go into any register. Rather, it will be used to tell the computer which operation to perform. The Operands, bits 11 – 0, will not go into any register either. Instead, they will be used to specify the data or memory address being operated on.

To know more about Register visit:



In computer architecture, a register is a temporary storage area that a processor can access and use to hold data. The most important pieces of data within the instruction are the opcode, which specifies the operation to be performed, and the operands, which specify the data upon which the operation will be performed.

In a typical computer instruction, the opcode and operands are both stored in the instruction word, but they are placed in different parts of the word, with the opcode typically being stored in the most significant bits, while the operands are stored in the least significant bits. Depending on the number and types of operands involved in the instruction, different parts of the word may be used to store them. The exact placement of the opcode and operands within the instruction word is determined by the computer architecture being used. Different processors may use different formats for their instruction words, and within a given architecture, different instructions may use different formats as well. It is up to the compiler to generate the correct instruction format for each instruction in the program.  When a program is executed, the processor fetches the instructions from memory, decodes them to determine what operation is to be performed, retrieves any necessary operands from memory or registers, performs the operation, and stores the results back in memory or registers. The specific registers used in this process will depend on the instruction being executed, the processor architecture being used, and the state of the processor at the time the instruction is executed. Some common registers that are used in the execution of instructions include the program counter (PC), which stores the address of the next instruction to be executed; the instruction register (IR), which holds the current instruction being executed; the memory address register (MAR), which holds the address of the memory location being accessed; the memory buffer register (MBR), which holds the data being read from or written to memory; and the accumulator (ACC), which is a general-purpose register used to hold intermediate results and final results of operations.

In summary, different parts of an instruction are stored in different parts of the instruction word, with the opcode typically being stored in the most significant bits, while the operands are stored in the least significant bits. The specific registers used in the execution of instructions will depend on the instruction being executed, the processor architecture being used, and the state of the processor at the time the instruction is executed. Some common registers used in instruction execution include the program counter, instruction register, memory address register, memory buffer register, and accumulator.

To know more about opcode visit:



what is the purpose of performing the overall f-test? select one


The purpose of performing the overall F-test is to examine the overall statistical significance of a linear regression model.

Linear regression is a statistical technique that models the relationship between two variables with the help of a linear equation called a regression equation, where one variable is called the independent variable, and the other variable is called the dependent variable.

The F-test provides a method of testing whether the overall regression model is statistically significant, i.e., whether it is useful for predicting the dependent variable. The overall F-test considers all the independent variables in the regression model simultaneously. It compares the observed variation in the dependent variable with the variation that would be expected if the regression model were no better than the mean of the dependent variable.

A significant F-test indicates that at least one of the independent variables in the regression model is useful in predicting the dependent variable. A non-significant F-test suggests that the regression model is not useful for predicting the dependent variable.

To know more about regression visit:



the most common method of identifying the sources of risks is


Risk identification is an essential step in the risk management process. The most common method of identifying sources of risks is brainstorming.

Brainstorming is a group problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas and solutions from team members or other participants.What is Risk Management?Risk management is the process of identifying, analyzing, and controlling potential risks that could affect an organization's assets, operations, or activities. It includes developing strategies to minimize or mitigate risks that could result in significant losses or negative impacts on the organization's financial, strategic, or operational objectives.Risk identification is the process of identifying potential risks and their sources that could impact an organization. It is a crucial step in the risk management process and involves identifying potential sources of risks that could harm the organization and its operations.

The most common method of identifying sources of risks is brainstorming, which involves bringing together team members or other stakeholders to identify and discuss potential risks and their sources.Brainstorming sessions should be conducted regularly to ensure that new risks are identified, and the existing ones are evaluated, prioritized, and mitigated effectively. In conclusion, brainstorming is the most common method of identifying sources of risks.

To know more about Risk identification click here:



discuss the ethical issues associated with multinational corporations


Multinational corporations (MNCs) often operate in multiple countries and face various ethical issues that arise from their global operations. This includes adopting robust codes of conduct, implementing effective corporate governance, engaging in sustainable operations etc.

Here are some key ethical concerns associated with multinational corporations:

Labor Exploitation: MNCs may face criticisms regarding labor practices, including poor working conditions, low wages, long hours, and inadequate labor rights protection. The ethical concern lies in the exploitation of vulnerable workers and the violation of human rights in pursuit of profit.Environmental Impact: MNCs operating in different countries can have significant environmental implications. Irresponsible resource extraction, pollution, deforestation, and disregard for sustainable practices can harm ecosystems and local communities. Ethical concerns arise when MNCs prioritize profits over environmental conservation and fail to adopt environmentally responsible practices.Tax Avoidance and Evasion: Some MNCs engage in complex tax strategies to minimize their tax obligations, often shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions. This practice can be seen as unethical because it undermines public finances, depriving countries of resources needed for social development, infrastructure, and public services.Corruption and Bribery: Operating in diverse regions with varying levels of corruption exposes MNCs to ethical dilemmas. Bribes, kickbacks, and unethical business practices can be employed to secure contracts, licenses, or favorable treatment. Such actions undermine fair competition, distort markets, and perpetuate a culture of corruption.Human Rights Violations: MNCs may face ethical concerns when their operations inadvertently or knowingly contribute to human rights abuses. This can occur through complicity with repressive regimes, involvement in conflict zones, or indirect support of human rights violations, such as through the supply chain.Cultural and Social Impact: MNCs have the power to influence local cultures and traditions. Ethical concerns may arise when MNCs disregard cultural sensitivities, exploit cultural symbols for commercial gain, or promote products or practices that negatively impact social values and norms.

To know more about Multinational corporations (MNCs)



discuss at least two security advantages of a host running virtualization.


Virtualization offers multiple security advantages for a host system. One key advantage is the isolation of virtual machines (VMs). Each VM runs in a separate environment, limiting the potential impact of security breaches. If one VM is compromised, it does not directly affect the others, thus minimizing risks to the overall system.

Another security advantage of virtualization is the ability to create and manage snapshots. Snapshots are backups of a VM's current state, allowing system administrators to revert to a previous, secure state if a security issue arises. This quick restoration process aids in reducing downtime and mitigating the effects of cyberattacks. Overall, virtualization enhances security by isolating VMs and providing efficient recovery options through snapshots.

To know more about virtualization visit:



touch sensitive sensory receptors utilize what kind of channel:


Touch-sensitive sensory receptors utilize mechanoreceptor channels. Mechanoreceptor channels are ion channels that respond to mechanical stimuli such as pressure, stretching, or vibration.

When these channels are activated by mechanical forces, they allow the flow of ions across the cell membrane, generating electrical signals that are transmitted to the nervous system for processing and perception of touch sensations. A mechanical phenomena called vibration causes oscillations to take place around an equilibrium point. The word's root is vibrationem, which means "shaking, brandishing" in Latin. The oscillations might be random—like a tyre rolling over gravel—or periodic, like the swinging of a pendulum. Vibrations as those made by a tuning fork, a woodwind instrument's or harmonica's reed, a mobile phone, or a loudspeaker's cone can be pleasing to the ear.

To know more about vibration



a form of joint ownership that may exist only between husband and wife is


A form of joint ownership that may exist only between husband and wife is Tenancy by entirety.

Only husband and wife couples are eligible for this kind of co-ownership. The right of survivorship is provided by tenancy by the entirety. A tenancy by totality requires the four unities of a joint tenancy, plus a fifth unity of marriage between the two co-owners, in order to be valid.

Even if all five unities are present, joint tenancy may nevertheless be the type of co-ownership if the conveying instrument so specifies. Tenancy by totality does not let one spouse to transfer his or her interest to a third party, in contrast to joint tenancy. However, one partner may express their attraction to the other. Only a divorce, passing away, or a mutually agreed-upon termination by both spouses can end a tenancy by the entirety.

To know more about joint ownership:



Complete question is:

What is the form of joint ownership that may exist only between husband and wife?

12. How do we know if a confidence interval contains the true
a. It isn't possible to know
b. The alpha level indicates this
c. By checking the standard deviation
d. By using hypothesis testing


The correct answer is d. By using hypothesis testing.

The process of creating a null and alternative hypothesis and using sample data to draw conclusions about a population parameter, such as the mean, is known as hypothesis testing. The null hypothesis is that the true mean is inside the interval when constructing a confidence interval, and the alternative hypothesis is that the true mean is outside the interval.

We can assess the sample data and determine whether the null hypothesis is rejected or fails to be rejected by performing the proper hypothesis test before drawing a conclusion. If the null hypothesis is accepted, it shows that the true mean is contained within the confidence interval, and if it is rejected, it indicates that the true mean is outside of the confidence interval.

To know more about Hypothesis Testing:


The correct answer is d) by using hypothesis testing.

Hypothesis testing is a statistical tool that is used to make decisions or judgments about populations using sample data. It involves formulating two competing hypotheses, the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis, and testing them using sample data.

The alpha level indicates the level of significance used in hypothesis testing. It is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true. It is typically set at 0.05 or 0.01, indicating that there is a 5% or 1% chance of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

The null hypothesis is a statement of no effect or no difference, while the alternative hypothesis is a statement of an effect or a difference.

The goal of hypothesis testing is to determine whether the sample data provides sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and support the alternative hypothesis. This is done by comparing the test statistic, which is calculated from the sample data, to the critical value, which is determined based on the alpha level and the degrees of freedom.

If the test statistic falls in the rejection region, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is supported. If the test statistic falls in the non-rejection region, the null hypothesis is not rejected, and no conclusion can be made about the alternative hypothesis.

In conclusion, hypothesis testing is a powerful tool that helps researchers make informed decisions based on sample data and statistical analysis.

know more about hypothesis here,



Travels of a T-Shirt: Define the environmental Kuznets curve. How does the curve relate to the notion of the scale problem? How do free trade advocates propose the free trade contributes to the phenomenon?


The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) represents the relationship between environmental degradation and economic development. This curve describes a pattern that suggests pollution levels initially increase with income growth but then decrease as income reaches a certain threshold.

The curve is named after Simon Kuznets, who was the first to identify the income inequality curve, which has a similar shape.The EKC suggests that economic development and environmental degradation are positively correlated up to a certain point.

As a country's GDP increases, it first produces more pollution but then levels off and starts to decline.

At the beginning of the development process, pollution rises due to greater industrialization and consumption of energy. However, once per capita income reaches a certain level, consumers can afford to buy more environmentally friendly products, while industries have more financial resources to invest in cleaner technologies.

The scale problem refers to the issue that arises when environmental gains are outpaced by economic growth. In many instances, gains in environmental quality have not kept pace with the growth of economic activities. It occurs when economic growth leads to an increase in pollution and environmental degradation. Economic growth can lead to an increase in the scale of economic activity, which then leads to an increase in environmental degradation, even if emissions or the use of other pollutants per unit of output declines.

Free trade proponents argue that it can lead to greater specialization and comparative advantage, which in turn can lead to efficiency gains and increased economic growth.

The EKC suggests that economic growth can lead to a decline in pollution levels, so proponents of free trade suggest that free trade can help achieve these gains. Free trade can also lead to greater investment in cleaner technologies, which could reduce pollution levels. Additionally, free trade can increase the scale of economic activities, which can then lead to greater environmental gains if these activities are undertaken in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

know more about  environmental degradation here,



cascading objectives are the focus of which motivational theory?


The motivational theory that focuses on cascading objectives is Management by Objectives (MBO).

MBO is a process that focuses on aligning the goals of an organization with those of its employees. It entails setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) objectives, monitoring progress towards achieving them, and providing feedback to employees to motivate them to attain those objectives.

The following are the steps involved in the MBO process:

1. Setting objectives: Objectives are set jointly by managers and employees to ensure alignment with organizational goals.

2. Monitoring progress: The progress of employees towards achieving their objectives is monitored regularly to provide feedback.

3. Feedback and evaluation: Feedback is provided to employees on their performance towards achieving objectives. It provides motivation to attain objectives, and if needed, adjustments can be made to improve performance.

4. Performance appraisal: Objective-based performance appraisal is done, and the feedback is used to identify areas for improvement and future goal setting. Thus, MBO emphasizes participative goal setting and performance monitoring and feedback to motivate employees.

Know more about the Management by Objectives click here:



the dramatic rise in political information and the increasing diversity of the media have


The dramatic rise in political information and the increasing diversity of the media have significant impacts on how political information is distributed, consumed, and interpreted by the public.

The emergence of social media and online news outlets has greatly increased the speed and reach of political information. Political campaigns are now able to directly communicate with voters through social media platforms and other online channels, without needing to rely on traditional media outlets.However, this can also create problems, as false or misleading information can spread rapidly and be difficult to correct. The increasing diversity of media sources also means that individuals are exposed to a wider range of political viewpoints and perspectives, allowing for greater political engagement and participation. However, this can also lead to the formation of political echo chambers, where individuals only consume news and information that reinforces their existing beliefs and opinions. Overall, the rise of political information and diversity of media has had both positive and negative impacts on the political landscape.

To know more about dramatic rise visit:



how do people with an anthropocentric relationship with the environment perceive nature?


People with an anthropocentric relationship with the environment perceive nature as a resource to be used for human benefit.

In an anthropocentric view, nature is primarily seen as a resource to be utilized for human needs and desires. It is perceived as a means to meet human requirements such as food, water, shelter, and other resources necessary for survival and development. The focus is on the instrumental value of nature, viewing it as a provider of goods and services that benefit humans.

People with an anthropocentric perspective may see nature as separate from themselves, with a hierarchical relationship where humans have dominance and control over the natural world. Nature is often seen as a backdrop or setting for human activities rather than having inherent value and rights of its own.

This perception of nature as a resource for human use can lead to practices such as resource extraction, habitat destruction, and pollution, as long as they serve human interests. It may also lead to a lack of consideration for the long-term consequences of human actions on the environment.

However, it is important to note that not all individuals with an anthropocentric relationship with the environment hold the same extreme views. There can be variations in the extent of anthropocentrism, and individuals may still recognize the importance of conservation, sustainable practices, and the value of nature beyond its instrumental benefits.

Opposing perspectives to anthropocentrism include ecocentrism and biocentrism, which emphasize the intrinsic value of nature and advocate for the protection and ethical consideration of all living beings and ecosystems, not just for human benefit.

They view the natural world primarily in terms of its value to human society, such as its ability to provide food, shelter, and other resources. They tend to see themselves as separate from and dominant over the natural world and may prioritize economic and technological progress over environmental conservation and preservation. This worldview can lead to unsustainable practices that can have negative impacts on the environment and the well-being of other species.

Learn more about Anthropocentric :- https://brainly.com/question/28754868


malthus argued that the poor would always remain poor because


According to Malthus, there will always be a huge number of hungry and impoverished people since the population will always grow faster than the available food.

He claimed that some poverty was unavoidable. When circumstances were good, people grew, and when times were terrible, the poorest would perish. Famine and disease acted as organic restraints on population growth. Malthus' unyielding opinions made him widely despised or even reviled.

Malthus, however, also believed that the number of people living below the poverty line could and should be decreased. Malthus was at least as critical of the actions of the rich, Chaplin notes, despite claims that he solely condemned the poor for having too many children and being the problem.

To know more about Malthus:



Complete question is:

Why Malthus argued that the poor would always remain poor?

on a production possibilities curve diagram, greater entrepreneurship:


On a production possibilities curve diagram, greater entrepreneurship is represented by an outward shift of the curve.

The production possibilities curve (PPC), also known as the production possibilities frontier (PPF), represents the maximum potential output that an economy can achieve given its available resources and technology. It illustrates the trade-offs between producing different combinations of goods and services.

When there is greater entrepreneurship in an economy, it leads to increased innovation, risk-taking, and the creation of new businesses or ventures. This can result in the discovery of more efficient production methods, the introduction of new products or services, and the expansion of industries.

As a result, greater entrepreneurship has the potential to increase the economy's overall productive capacity. This is reflected in an outward shift of the production possibilities curve. The economy is able to produce more goods and services, indicating an expansion of its productive potential and an increase in the range of possibilities for output combinations.

To know more about production possibilities curve



the principal process for raindrop formation in tropical warm clouds is


The principal process for raindrop formation in tropical warm clouds is coalescence.

In this process, small droplets come together to create larger droplets which eventually become heavy enough to fall as rain. This process typically occurs in clouds with temperatures above freezing and is aided by the presence of large amounts of moisture in the air.In tropical warm clouds, there is a high concentration of moisture in the atmosphere which facilitates the coalescence process.

The droplets that make up the cloud are constantly colliding with one another and as they do, they begin to combine and grow in size. As the droplets grow, they begin to fall towards the earth due to the force of gravity. If the droplets are large enough, they will fall as rain.The process of coalescence is a critical component of the water cycle.

Without it, we would not have the precipitation necessary to support life on earth. By understanding the principal process for raindrop formation, we are able to better understand the role that tropical warm clouds play in the environment.

To know more about precipitation, visit https://brainly.com/question/14330965


what type of franchise would a car dealership typically belong to


A car dealership would typically belong to a distribution franchise.

A distribution franchise is a franchise in which the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to sell products and services that are manufactured or supplied by the franchisor to the franchisee. For example, a car dealership may sell cars that are manufactured by a certain company and are supplied by the franchisor.

Another type of franchise is the business format franchise. In this type of franchise, the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to use its name and operating system in exchange for a fee. This type of franchise is common in fast-food restaurants and retail stores.

However, car dealerships do not typically fall into this category as they have their unique operating system and do not need to follow a franchisor's system. Therefore, a car dealership would typically belong to a distribution franchise.

Learn more about Distribution Franchise :- https://brainly.com/question/15664253


Mr.G wishes to borrow $12,000 from an unsecured personal line of credit for a year and your bank quotes you an annual interest rate of 3 percent, compounded semi-annually The effective annual interest rate of your loan will be % (Your percentage rate should keep two decimal places and do not type % again) Your interest payment per year will be$ (keep two decimals) If Mr.F's borrowing amount $12,000 is charged at a rate of 3 percent but calculated on a daily basis. Mr.F is required to pay a minimum of 3 percent of the remaining loan Mr.F's first monthly loan payment is $ Calculating monthly interest in a line of credit: Interest = B APR (n/365)


Mr. F's first monthly loan payment is $345.60.

The effective annual interest rate of your loan is 3.02%.

The effective annual interest rate (EAR) formula of a line of credit is as follows : EAR = (1 + (APR / n))^n - 1Where APR represents the annual percentage rate of interest rate, n represents the number of times per year interest is compounded. The formula, in this case, becomes; EAR = (1 + (3%/2))^2 - 1= 3.02% .Therefore, the effective annual interest rate of Mr.G’s loan is 3.02%.

Calculating the interest payment per year: Interest rate = EAR = 3.02% Loan amount = $12,000Interest payment per year = Loan amount x EAR= $12,000 x 0.0302= $362.4. Therefore, the interest payment per year for Mr.G's loan will be $362.4.

Mr. F's borrowing amount is $12,000, charged at a rate of 3% calculated on a daily basis. He is required to pay a minimum of 3% of the remaining loan on a monthly basis. Mr. F's first monthly loan payment is $345.60.

To calculate the daily interest rate, the formula is; Interest = B APR (n/365)Where APR is the interest rate, n is the number of days, and B is the balance .

The calculation of the daily interest rate for Mr.F's borrowing amount $12,000 is given below: APR = 3% = 0.03B = $12,000n = 365 days Interest = 12000 × 0.03 × (1/365) = $0.9863 per day Therefore, the daily interest rate is $0.9863.Mr.F's monthly interest payment would be: Monthly Interest = B x APR x (n / 365)Where B is the balance, APR is the annual percentage rate, and n is the number of days in a month. So the calculation is :APR = 3% = 0.03n = 30 days B = $12,000Monthly Interest = 12000 × 0.03 × (30 / 365) = $29.52

Therefore, the monthly interest payment is $29.52. Mr. F's first monthly loan payment will be: Payment = Monthly interest payment + 3% of remaining loan balance Payment = $29.52 + 0.03 x $12,000 = $345.60

know more about Effective annual interest rate here,



explain the concept of employees as stakeholders in your own words


The concept of employees as stakeholders refers to the idea that employees are considered as one of the important stakeholders in a company. A stakeholder is a group or individual who is influenced by the company's actions and decisions. They have an interest in the success of the company. Employees, along with shareholders, customers, suppliers, and other groups, are stakeholders in a business.

Employees are one of the critical stakeholders in a business. They play an essential role in the success of the company. The employees are the company's valuable assets, and they contribute to the growth and development of the organization. The company's management must ensure that they treat their employees fairly and provide them with good working conditions, wages, benefits, and other incentives to motivate and retain them.

When employees are treated fairly and are provided with good working conditions, they tend to be more loyal, productive, and motivated, which results in higher profits for the company. Therefore, companies must consider employees' opinions and involve them in the decision-making process to make them feel valued.

In conclusion, employees are stakeholders in a company, and their contribution is significant to the success of the business. The company's management must treat their employees well, provide good working conditions and benefits, and involve them in the decision-making process to keep them motivated and productive.

Learn more about stakeholders:



is the supply of genuine antique furniture elastic or inelastic? why?


The supply of genuine antique furniture is generally considered inelastic. This means that changes in price have a relatively minimal impact on the quantity supplied.

There are a few key reasons why the supply of genuine antique furniture is often inelastic:

Limited availability: Genuine antique furniture represents items from a bygone era and is limited in supply. These pieces are often rare and unique, making it challenging to increase the quantity supplied in response to changes in price. Antique furniture is typically acquired through historical preservation, auctions, estate sales, or private collections, and the supply cannot be easily expanded.

Time and craftsmanship: Antique furniture is often characterized by its craftsmanship, quality, and historical value. The production of such pieces requires a significant amount of time, skill, and attention to detail. Replicating or creating new antique furniture to meet increased demand is a lengthy and intricate process, further limiting the ability to rapidly increase supply.

Preservation and conservation: Antique furniture is valued not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its historical significance. There is a strong emphasis on preserving and conserving these pieces to maintain their authenticity and value. As a result, the supply of genuine antique furniture is constrained by the need to protect and preserve existing pieces rather than mass-producing new ones.

To know more about antique



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